The Dynamic Questionnaire Engine™

How it works


This paper describes how the Dynamic Questionnaire Engine™ (DQE) functions. It also describes how a questionnaire should be developed in order to take advantage of the DQE.

This paper is based upon the patent application submitted for the DQE technology.


The DQE was developed in order to address the concerns associated with today’s methods of measuring respondent satisfaction. Following research by The Gosling Group, these concerns were identified as being:

  • The large number of survey responses required to give a realistic measurement of customer satisfaction
  • The number of questions required within a survey to filter out emotional based responses
  • The low response rate to a questionnaire survey programme due to customers' lack of interest and/or motivation to complete the survey
  • The reliability and repeatability of the interpretation of the data output from the satisfaction survey
  • Survey benchmarking offered by many third parties not comparing like with like and therefore not being a true benchmarking on which decisions can be made
  • So called 'simple' surveys attempting to quickly assess a customer's satisfaction by asking questions such as "How satisfied are you with..." resulting in emotional responses on which strategies can not be based

All of these concerns have been successfully addressed with the DQE.

Patent Application

As the Dynamic Questionnaire Engine has a Patent Pending status it is not possible to discuss the technology openly at this time.

In order to develop customer specific standard products based on DQE technology or to license the technology from The Gosling Group for their own applications, it is necessary for companies to enter a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with The Gosling Group until such time as the Patent is fully granted.

Please Contact DQE Solutions at for further information.