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DQE Solutions (part of The Gosling Group) has developed its Dynamic Questionnaire Engine™ (DQE) technology to enable and simplify real-time measuring and monitoring of human satisfaction, cost effectively.

The DQE enables customer specific questionnaires to be developed which address all of the widely held concerns with today's typical satisfaction surveys.

DQE technology brings advantages to both large scale surveys (polling) in that many surveys can be quickly and easily distributed, collated and assessed in a very short turn around time, and to smaller targeted surveys, where only a small number of inputs are required to provide a representitive and meaningful analysis.

By utilising the DQE technology in your own products and applications you can be assured of maximised response rates and an unbiased, repeatable satisfaction analysis which is optimised for benchmarking.

Web Site:

The intention of this web-site is to discuss the DQE technology, including its features and benefits over competing solutions and to show how the technology can be implemented in different and diverse products and applications.

The web-site also allows you to purchase application specific products built using DQE technology as well as license the technology for inclusion in your own products and applications.