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Dynamic Questionnaire Engine - How it works
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Satisfaction Theory:

Asking a respondent how satisfied they are with a particular subject does not measure that respondent's satisfaction objectively but subjectively and therefore may not be representative of their true satisfaction.

The Dynamic Questionnaire Engine™ (DQE) addresses this by using a technique (patent pending) whereby a respondent's emotional and rational responses to a subject are measured and compared. Based on the theory that satisfaction is a measure of how well a respondent's rational and emotional responses match, a value for satisfaction can be calculated.

Disadvantages of traditional satisfaction survey techniques:

With the increase in focus on customer satisfaction surveys resulting from the latest requirements of the ISO 9001:2000 standard for quality management, the concerns and limitations of the current methods for measuring and monitoring customer satisfaction have been brought to the fore and continue to be highlighted.

In its research into the subject, The Gosling Group have identified that both paper based and computer based satisfaction surveys continue to suffer from the same limitations, making an assessment of respondent satisfaction difficult, expensive and unreliable. The major issues continually highlighted are typically:

  • The large number of survey responses required to give a realistic measurement of customer satisfaction
  • The number of questions required within a survey to filter out daily-emotional based responses
  • The low response rate to a questionnaire survey programme due to customers' lack of interest and/or motivation to complete the survey
  • The reliability and repeatability of the interpretation of the data output from the satisfaction survey
  • Survey benchmarking offered by many third parties not comparing like with like and therefore not being a true benchmarking on which decisions can be made
  • So called 'simple' surveys attempting to quickly assess a customer's satisfaction by asking questions such as "How satisfied are you with..." resulting in emotional responses on which strategies can not be based

Benefits of the Dynamic Questionnaire Engine™ technology:

In order to address the typical limitations identified with today's satisfaction surveys, DQE Solutions has developed its DQE technology (patent pending) which offers the following features and benefits:

Typically only 21 questions required Questionnaire not seen as a burden and completed in less than 5 minutes
Daily-emotional responses filtered out automatically at source Quality of inputs enhanced which ensures a more representative input
Recorded satisfaction value 'weighted' in line with respondents' "level of conviction" Clearly shows how customer satisfaction will change over time
Respondent receives immediate feedback to their input Motivates respondent to complete the questionnaire, and representatively
Analysis of results concise and jargon free Results easily interpreted and 'corrective actions' immediately definable
Results computer generated and repeatable True benchmarking achievable
Only a small sample size required to generate a realistic satisfaction analysis Simplifies and speeds up the whole survey process and reduces survey costs